Stefano Bucaioni, responsabile relazione con l’estero di Arcigay ha partecipato ad un’azione di lobbing internazinale sul Governo serbo. Ecco, in inglese, il testo della lettera spedita al Governo serbo e firmata da 53 associazioni gay di diversi paesi.
LGBT Leaders Worldwide Call on Serbian Government to Protect Pride Marchers
We openly lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) leaders and elected officials from around the world are writing to express our deep solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Belgrade, Serbia, as they march in their October 10, 2010, Gay Pride Parade.
We call upon all Serbian political leaders and police forces to do all in their power to protect the human rights of the marchers to assemble peaceably and march as LGBT people as our supporters do throughout much of the world.
We also call upon Serbian politicians, as ones responsible for building a democratic society, to send a message of tolerance, publicly support the Gay Pride Parade and join the march.
The October 10 parade will be the first Belgrade gay rights march since 2001 when anti-gay extremists attacked the participants and forced the event’s cancellation. An attempt was made for a parade in 2009, but it was called off hours before it began because bodily harm was threatened against the participants.
The Serbian government must put itself on the side of those who peaceably assemble and not give in to those who would deny the marchers their human rights.
We applaud Serbian Minister of Interior Ivica Dacic for his public commitment to protect the safety of the gay marchers on October 10.
We expect Minister Dacic to thwart any attempt to stop the march from proceeding to its conclusion.
Our eyes and the eyes of human rights defenders around the globe will be watching Belgrade on October 10, as we witness LGBT Serbians and their supporters peacefully exercising their human right to be visible in the streets, free from violence and fear.
Endorsed by:
Erwin Abbeloos
President, THE WARNING
Sahran Abeysundara
Chairperson EQUAL GROUND
Colombo, SRI LANKA
Nikolai Alekseev
Chief Organizer, Moscow Pride
Moscow, RUSSIA
Tom Ammiano
California State Assemblymember
San Francisco, USA
Oscar Atadero
Coordinator, ProGay Philippines
Andrew Barr MLA
Minister for Education/Training, Australian Capital Territory
Stefano Bucaioni
Director for International Affairs, ARCIGAY
Bologna, ITALY
Pat Bumgardner
Reverend, Metropolitan Community Churches
New York, USA
Jan Benec
Chairman, Iniciativa Inakost
Bratislava, SLOVAKIA
George Broadhead
Secretary, Pink Triangle Trust
Kenilworth, UK
Florin Buhuceanu
President, Euroregional Center for Public Initiatives
Bucharest, ROMANIA
Stephan Corbin
President of Coordination InterPride France,
Angers, FRANCE
Tom Duane
New York State Senate
New York, USA
Hagai El-Ad
Director, Association for Civil Rights in Israel
Tel Aviv, ISRAEL
Linda Freimane and Martin K.I. Christensen
Co-Chairs, European Region of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans & Intersex Association (ILGA)
Brussels, BELGIUM
Yonatan Gher
Director, Jerusalem Open House
Jerusalem, ISRAEL
Andrea Gilbert
Co-Administrator, Athens Pride
Athens, GREECE
Ian Hunter
Member of Parliament
Olivier Jablonsky
Klaus Jetz
Director, Lesbian and Gay Federation in Germany LSVD
Cologne, GERMANY
Sharon Kleinbaum
Senior Rabbi Congregation Beit Simchat Torah
New York, USA
Mark Leno
California State Senator
San Francisco, USA
Jerimarie Liesegang, PhD
Executive Director, Connecticut TransAdvocacy Coalition
Hartford, USA
Molly McKay, Esq.
National Media Director, Marriage Equality USA
San Francisco, USA
Frank Mugisha
Director, Sexual Minorities Uganda – SMUG
Kampala, UGANDA
Irina Nita
Executive Director, ACCEPT Association
Bucharest, ROMANIA
David Norris
Senator Seanad Eireann [Parliament]
Dédé Oetomo
Founder, Board of Trustees, GAYa NUSANTARA
King Oey
Chairman, Board of Trustees, Arus Pelangi
Herminio Adorno Ortega
Director, Centro de la Comunidad Gai Inc.
Puerto Rico, USA
Alexandr Paluyan
Chairman, Initiative for Sexual and Gender Equality
Michael Petrelis
Organizer, Gays Without Borders/America
San Francisco, USA
Tracey Sandilands
Executive Director, Pride Toronto
Ontario, CANADA
Noa Sattath
Former Executive Director, Jerusalem Open House
Jerusalem, ISRAEL
Penny Sharpe
Member of the NSW Legislative Council
Richard Stern
Director, Asociation Agua Buena
Sean Strub
Founder, POZ Magazine
Milford, USA
Peter Tatchell
Community Organizer, OutRage!
London, UK
Louis-Georges Tin
President, IDAHO = International Day Against Homophobia/Transphobia
Marco Tranchino
Campaigns Officer, Central London Humanist Group
London, UK
William Urich
Chair, InterPride Cmte on Int’ GLBTI Human Rights
New Britain, USA
Gary Virginia
People With AIDS Caucus
San Francisco, US