Euro 2012 : Antonio Cassano Sorry For Gay Comments


In an interview on the sidelines of the European Cup in 2012, Antonio Cassano said the Italian national team not to have a gay player. He said this when asked by reporters at the Italian national team if there are gay players.

The issue of homosexuality in football raised by Alessandro Cecchi Paone author. He claimed to have intimate relations with a member of the Italian national team at Euro 2012.

Gay groups in Italy, ArciGay, insisted that coach Cesare Prandelli striker Antonio Cassano do not play in European Cup matches in 2012. They assess a statement Cassano hurt the gay community.

“This sentence is used (Cassano) told a news conference is very sad. It’s kind of bad behavior and I would like to know if the players feel represented by it. More than that, I judge there very vulgar behavior in the sentence and Cassano,” criticized President ArciGay (Group gay association in Italy), Paolo Patane.

“I hope Cesare Prandelli does play its next match, so this could be a warning. An apology is not enough,” he added.

“Cassano is a great champion and should be careful with words and his attitude. He had to pay more than just apologize. Football federation should not be close eye on this situation. It would be nice if this time the football world to give a good signal. I guess, back up he would be very nice, although we will not grudge him, “said Paolo Patane.

The issue of homosexuality in football has actually been around a long time. However, most gay players to hide his identity. So far, the new Justin Fashanu (former Notthingham Forest) who openly claim to be gay while still actively playing. Fashanu finally committed suicide in 1998 at the age of 37 years, after United States questioned by police on charges of sexually abusing the 17-year-old boy.

Who are the Italian national team players are gay? Wait for his next news in his post the following on this site.
