Pubblichiamo i messaggi ricevuti dagli studenti e dalle studentesse statunitensi del corso gender studies del CIEE – Global Center Rome in collaborazione con l’Università Luiss, in visita a Napoli e nella nostra sede lo scorso 27 luglio. Incontro per conoscere le attività in difesa dei diritti della comunità #Lgbt messe in atto dal nostro comitato.
Studente 1:
“Thank you for taking the time to host us and allowing us to better understand your community. The work that you do and the people that you help are incredible, strong and beautiful. Thank you for your acceptance, your compassion, and your kindness. Forever in a day, I will remember my time in Naples and at Arcigay.”
Studente 2:
“Ciao Arcigay, I wanted to sincerely thank you for both our visit, and the work you do with the LGBT community in Naples. Being a gay man from San Francisco I sometimes forget how much work there is still to be done in places like Italy. I would like to thank you for reminding me of that, and for all the hard work you do for our community. Ti voglio bene, Derek H.”
Studente 3:
“To Arcigay Naples: Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to host us and talk with us. I learned a lot about the LGBTQ communty in Italy from our conversation, and it’s fascinating to see how your struggles are similar and yet different from the LGBTQ in the US. I so admire the work that you guys do to bring about social changes and better quality of life for your clients within Naples community. You’re so welcoming and kind. I wish your organization the best of luck and the best of love.”
Studente 4:
“I am impressed and proud/happy to hear that a lot of you at Arcigay Naples serve as volunteers. What better way to lead by example to a good cause than by volunteering. Thank you for taking the time to share with me and my classmates about the services available at Arcigay Naples and about the problems faced by the LGBT community.”

Studente 5:
“Thank you for hosting us and spending time educating us on Arcigay and Naples. I was so fascinated with your medical and social services in the community. Your work is truly inspiring and moving.”
Studente 6:
“Dear Arcigay, thank you so much for welcoming us to Naples and spending the day with us. I am so inspired by all the work you do for your community. I have learned a lot and wish you the best.”
Studente 7:
“Thank you so much for your hospitality and kindness! I will never forget your meeting, you all are so inspiring.”
Studente 8:
“Visiting the Arcigay center during our class trip to Naples was the highlight of our time in the city – they were welcoming and informative.”