Punizioni disumane in Arabia Saudita


Almeno 35 uomini, secondo segnalazioni di un’agenzia di stampa francese, saranno frustati per il solo fatto di aver partecipato ad una festa di “matrimonio omosessuale” a Jeddah, in Arabia Saudita, lo scorso Marzo.

Quattro tra questi sono stati condannati da una Corte della città di Jeddah a 2000 frustate e due anni di reclusione, gli altri a 200 frustate e 6 mesi di reclusione.

Amnesty International ha scritto al Ministro degli Interni dell’Arabia Saudita chiedendo chiarimenti in merito e esprimendo preoccupazione per la notizia che gli uomini subiranno fustigazioni.

Esprimiamo preoccupazione per il fatto che questi uomini potrebbero essere stati puniti unicamente a causa del proprio orientamento sessuale. Se così fosse, questi sarebbero prigionieri di coscienza e dovrebbero quindi essere rilasciati immediatamente ed incondizionatamente.

Amnesty considera l’uso della fustigazione una punizione crudele, inumana e degradante, assimilabile alla tortura, vietata dall’articolo 5 della Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti dell’Uomo che recita “Nessun individuo potrà essere sottoposto a tortura o a trattamento o a punizioni crudeli, inumane o degradanti.”

La fustigazione è obbligatoria in Sud Arabia per una serie di reati, incluse le offese alla morale sessuale.

Possono anche essere comminate come pene accessorie o alternative ad altre sanzioni.

Possono variare da una dozzina a mille frustate e sono in genere inflitte 30-40 frustate per volta intervallate da tempi che variano da due settimane ad un mese.

Qui di seguito trovate una lettera già impostata da firmare, far firmare e spedire all’indirizzo in alto a sinistra. E’ importantissimo farlo il più presto possibile!

Minister of the Interior
His Royal Highness Prince Naif bin Abdul Aziz,
Minister of the Interior, Ministry of the Interior
P.O. Box 2933, Airport Road

Your Royal Highness,
‘m writing to you as member and supporter of Amnesty International, the non-governmental organization that has been impartially campaigning for the defence of fundamental human rights since 1961.
I express concern at the AFP report that 35 men are to be flogged, and, if it is true, I call for the sentences to be commuted regardless of the offence for which they have been handed down;
I express concern that the men appear to have been punished solely for their sexual orientation, if so, they are prisoners of conscience, and should be released immediately and unconditionally;
I ask for details of the exact charges against the 35 men, together with details of any trial proceedings and the evidence against them;
I consider the use of flogging as punishment to be cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment amounting to torture, contrary to Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states: “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”
While thanking you for your kind attention, I remain.
Yours sincerely.

Minister of Justice
His Excellency Dr. Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Ibrahim Al-Sheikh
Minister of Justice, Ministry of Justice
University Street,
Riyadh 11137, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Your Excellency,
‘m writing to you as member and supporter of Amnesty International, the non-governmental organization that has been impartially campaigning for the defence of fundamental human rights since 1961.
I express concern at the AFP report that 35 men are to be flogged, and, if it is true, I call for the sentences to be commuted regardless of the offence for which they have been handed down;
I express concern that the men appear to have been punished solely for their sexual orientation, if so, they are prisoners of conscience, and should be released immediately and unconditionally;
I ask for details of the exact charges against the 35 men, together with details of any trial proceedings and the evidence against them;
I consider the use of flogging as punishment to be cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment amounting to torture, contrary to Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states: “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”
While thanking you for your kind attention, I remain.
Yours sincerely.

Minister of Foreign Affairs
His Royal Highness Prince Saud al-Faisal bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud,
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Nasseriya Street,
Riyadh 11124, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Your Royal Highness,
‘m writing to you as member and supporter of Amnesty International, the non-governmental organization that has been impartially campaigning for the defence of fundamental human rights since 1961.
I express concern at the AFP report that 35 men are to be flogged, and, if it is true, I call for the sentences to be commuted regardless of the offence for which they have been handed down;
I express concern that the men appear to have been punished solely for their sexual orientation, if so, they are prisoners of conscience, and should be released immediately and unconditionally;
I ask for details of the exact charges against the 35 men, together with details of any trial proceedings and the evidence against them;
I consider the use of flogging as punishment to be cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment amounting to torture, contrary to Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states: “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”
While thanking you for your kind attention, I remain.
Yours sincerely.
